Best Ethnic Group Professional Social Event during IEEE PES GM
NACPPA Annual Gathering is the largest gathering of overseas Chinese power professionals around the world since 2009, when NACPPA was founded. It is also the largest ethnic subgroup meeting during IEEE PES General Meeting. This year, NACPPA will host a career development panel and a cocktail social event during GM.
Monday July 17
Orlando Ballroom N at Convention Level
Hyatt Regency Orlando (same hotel as GM), 9801 International Dr., Orlando, FL 32819

Career Development Panel
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
As the power industry goes through fundamental changes in the era of clean energy transition and re-electrification, new opportunities are emerging for power engineers. This seminar will invite several speakers to share their unique experiences in working outside of the traditional career paths.
Featured Speakers: Jian Fu (DOE), Liang Ming (Stanford), Junhui Zhao (Eversource), Yingchen Zhang (Utilidata)
Dinner, Panel and Cocktail Social
7:30 PM – 11:00 PM
Come and learn about NACPPA updates over dinner, participate in an interactive panel discussion on the clean energy transition, and discover the latest industry and research directions as well as business opportunities. Meet old and new friends in a casual cocktail social event setting.
Panel Moderator: Calvin Liuxi Zhang (Eaton)
Panelists: Jessica Bian (Grid-X Partners, IEEE PES President), Liang Min (Stanford), Chi-Yung Chung (HK PolyU), Chan Wong (Cybirical)


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